Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Scales Of Justice

Everything went fine with this last batch of wine, that's why it's been a while since you heard from me (plus I've been really busy).

I took a sample early last week to make sure it was good, and it is very good. It has a weird color, not red, not white, not pink, it's just weird; kind of a dark yellow I suppose is the best way to describe it. It is a bit cloudy, but not that it matters all that much. Who the heck cares what it looks like anyway?!

I took a bottle over to Les & Lori's today for a BBQ. It has a kick to it. More than any of the other batches I have made. So it at least has some alcohol. I don't think the second batch had much at all.

Anyway, I need to get it bottled. I don't think I'll start another batch right away. My sister-in-law is not going to use any of my wine for her wedding (which is in a week and half), so I have plenty of wine for several parties.

Useless tidbit of the day
The whites of your eyes are called the sclera.

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